Friday in The Sett: WHY? w/ Astronautalis and Dream Tiger


For all of you who were counting down the days until WHY?, Astronautalis and Dream Tiger would be in The Sett, put down your school work and call up every single person you know because the day is finally here. Tomorrow night, The Sett breaks down heavy beats to welcome these three one-of-a-kind artists.

What began as a solo project in 2003, Yoni Wolf decided to retire his stage name Why? only to continue performing with other band members under the same name in the year 2004. Since then, this truly unique combination of indie rock and rap band released four albums, including Elephant Eyelash, Alopecia, Eskimo Snow, and their latest, Mumps, Etc.

Their song, “Sod in the Seed” from Mumps, Etc., happily sucks you in with their care-free indie sound, but anchors you down with Yoni Wolf’s steady string of philosophical lyrics. His voice is even comparable with a rap-version of Cake. Their live performances do not disappoint and for a band as unique as they are, WHY? is a must-see.

Also a must-see performance is Astronautalis, one of the supporting acts for the night. Astronautalis is known as Andy Bothwell, an indie rapper that holds back no emotion when on stage performing. Bothwell has performed in The Sett before, around this time last year, and enticed the crowd with his incredibly fast pulse of hip hop and free-styling ability. It’s true, Bothwell picked topics out of the crowd and had everyone dancing, jumping and laughing.

In addition to the support of Astronautalis, we also have Dream Tiger. This young female artist focuses more on interpretation of electronic beats than actual hip hop, but will still have you begging for more waves of her pop creations. Listen to her EP here.

Check out the videos below if you still need more convincing of attending:



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